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GLI Algorithms - Land -

  • Summary of GLI land algorithms(pdf)

  • Precise Geometric Correction LTSKG ATBD (pdf)(pdf)
  • 16-day Composite LTSK10 ATBD (pdf)
  • Atmospheric Correction LTSK1 ATBD (pdf)
  • Vegetation Index LTSK9 ATBD (NDVI, EVI)(pdf)

  • Algorithm PI:
    1. Dr. Toshiaki Hashimoto (JAXA/EORC): Precise Geometric Correction
    2. Prof. Alfredo R. Huete (TBRS,University of Arizona)
    :Composite,Atmospheric Correction,VGI(NDVI,EVI)

    Algorithm CI:
    1. Dr. Hiroki YOSHIOKA (Meijo University): Atmospheric  Correction
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