Ryuji Matsuoka
ADEOS Science Program Coordinator
Earth Observation Research and application Center, Japan Space Exploration AgencyThe FY 95 Research Review of Domestic PIs was held at EORC on May 9 and 10, 1996. The objective was to review FY 95 research activities of domestic PIs under contract with JAXA from points of view of Earth science and ADEOS science. On the morning of May 9, the review was opened with the opening address by Mr. Tasuku Tanaka, Director of EORC. Though six researchers were unable to be present at the review, there were 27 presentations on results of FY 95 research activities in the eight sessions held during the two days. Presentations were made on Algorithm Development, Calibration and Validation, and Science using ADEOS Data (AVNIR, OCTS, IMG, NSCAT, TOMS and POLDER data.) The review was closed with closing remarks by Prof. Haruhisa Shimoda, ADEOS Program Scientist, on the afternoon of May 10. A total of 59 persons attended at the review.
Because the review was held before the ADEOS launch, none of the researchers was able to use ADEOS data in his/her research. Most of the researchers presented results of the preliminary study using simulation data or existing satellite data. Some researchers presented research plans using ADEOS data. The FY 96 Research Review will be held in May 1997, and beneficial results from ADEOS data are expected to be presented at the next review.
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