UPDATE.log (SeaDAS 3.2) Initial release Sept 1,
# UPDATE.log (SeaDAS 3.2) Initial release Sept 1, 1998
######################################################################This is the SeaDAS update log for SeaDAS 3.2. All updated files
will be found in the update directory.Example of installing update #001:
1) % ftp seadas.gsfc.nasa.gov ; ftp into seadas
2) Name: anonymous ; Use name anonymous
3) Passwd: ; Use your e-mail address
(it will not print)
Example: nick@xxx.gsfc.nasa.gov
4) ftp> cd seadas/update ; go to update directory
5) ftp> get UPDATE.log ; get UPDATE.log file
5) ftp> cd <your OS version> ; go to your operating system directory
6) ftp> get update_001.tar.gz ; get desired update file.
7) ftp> quit ; exit ftpBefore performing the following steps, put each update tar file in it's
own unique directory. We suggest that you create a directory in
$SEADAS call 'update' and then put each tar file in it's own sub-directory
(ie '$SEADAS/update/update_001', '$SEADAS/update/update_002' etc).
This will make is easy to remember whether an update has been installed
or not.
8) % gunzip update_001.tar.gz ; uncompress update file
9) % tar xvf update_001.tar ; tar xvf update_001.tar
10)% ./update_001.csh ; Execute script to install update #001.NOTE: In order for any IDL updates to take effect, you will need to
exit your current SeaDAS session and start a new one.NOTE: Please install updates in order, starting with update #001.
UPDATE #: 004 DATE: 2/04/99Note: Only 1 SeaWiFS processing program was modified: l1agen. It
is not necessary to reprocess your data.Also, the latest calibration table issued previously in Update #003p1
is also reincluded in this update.The remaining changes are fixes to the general display program
plus an enhancement to include the update number in the SeaDAS version number.l1agen:
Updated l1agen due to the update of the Project's code with minor bugs fix
for the meta data and enhancement in the navigation calculation.l1bgen, l2gen:
Updated calibration table previously issued in Update #003p1.
It is not necessary to reprocess your data. This new calibration table
includes a correction to Band 8 and will only affect data collected after
Day 286, 1998 onward. It was used by the SeaWiFS Project in operational
processing starting January 5, 1999.This update will automatically install and the new calibration
table in $SDSDATA and relink it to SEAWIFS_SENSOR_CAL.TBL .
Enhance SeaDAS to incorporate last update applied into the SeaDAS
version number: example SeaDAS 3.2p4Update FAQ. SGI patch number for IRIX 6.2 namelist problem had
Updated the routine to calculate the solar and satellite angles
from a L1B file.Fixed bug in output function when outputting zoom window to postscript dump
option. Also, modified so that when resize zoom window, postscript output size
calculations will automatically readjust.Interactive color bar. Fixed intermittent problem in which
sometimes an empty IDL window will pop-up when turn on color bar.Load color table. Fixed problem which occurs if use transfer
function on one color table and then switch to color an independent
color table without first exiting the GUI. The changes made in the first
color table are not saved.Anotate in IDL 5.2: ixed bug that occurs under IDL 5.2 when quit the Annotate
widget: % WDELETE: Window number 33 out of range or no more windowsFixed bug using clear_up in a loop in a command-mode script. Side effect of
previous updates to SeaDAS 3.2.Fixed menu error with says that the Paint Function is not available.
Side effect of Update #002 output redesign.doc: sds_faq.html, FAQ
src: proctim2.f, swf_angle.c (in sdsgen library), get_swf_def_meta.c
src: clear_up.pro, sdp_outputx.pro, sdp_wr_display.pro, seadas_init.pro,
sdp_annotate.pro, sdsxloadct.pro, cbar.pro, seadispx.pro
exe: l1agen, IDLswfangle
lib: libswfnav.a, libsdsgen.a
cfg: seadas_version (new file)
data: navctl.dat, SEAWIFS_SENSOR_CAL.TBL-199901
----------------------------------------------------------------------------UPDATE #: 003p1 DATE: 1/07/99.
Note: This update contained a calibration file update. It has been
incorporated into Update #004.
UPDATE #: 003 DATE: 1/04/99Note: Only 1 SeaWiFS processing program was modified: l1agen. It
is not necessary to reprocess your data.The remaining changes are small fixes to the general display program.
Primarily correcting side-effects of Update #002 for loading L3-binned
files and output redesign.l1agen:
Updated l1agen due to the update of the Project's code with minor bugs fix
for the meta data and enhancement in the navigation calculation.
- Load L3-binned & bl3map interactive mode:
- Modify to only sensitize L3-binned products which are present in
the L3-binned file. New capability for bl3map, used to have equivalent
capability in Load L3-binned before Update #2.- Load L3-binned command-mode:
- Fixed bug if use PROD_IX or PRODNAME instead of new PRODUCT_CAT keyword- Load L3-binned interactive-mode:
- Fixed bug if don't press Add button- Output. Fixed 3 side-effects of output redesign in Update #002:
- Error outputting SeaDAS Mapped product from window:
"Variable is undefined: WIN."
- Window specifications (ie roam,zoom,view) were not working.
- Window menu in output GUI was initializing with display
type window menu entries instead of data type window menu
entries. (Should not have included "zoom" and "roam").- General:
- Modified clear_up to work consistently if called interactively.
Currently only worked in batch mode.
- Fixed bug if user using own .seadas_defaults file and don't have
'missing' section.- Mband_cmd (Command mode)
- Fixed bug in low level routine which may effect running mband_cmd
in batch mode. Would report 'Invalid frame buffer (display window)
number', when the window was existing.bl3map and seadisp Load L3-binned:
Bl3map and load L3-binned and bl3map documentation for command mode.
Products names not correct for PROD_IX keyword. La_865 no longer in use.bobdays: Enhancement in the utility program bobdays
src: sdp_outputx.pro, sdp_wr_data.pro, sdp_load_seawifs.pro, getdef_missing.pro
bl3map_screen.pro, cw_swfl3.pro,sdp_load_seawifs.pro, clear_up.pro,
sdp_valid_check.pro,load.pro, get_l3b_titles.pro,
get_l3b_products.pro (new)bobdays.f, setsgp4.f, sgp4sub.f, ins_block.f, attcmp.f, attdet.f,
navtlm.f, put_elements.f, earcnst.f, suncnst.f getorbnum.c mkmeta.c,
getl0scene_nav.c, getl1rec.c instlm.cinc: swl0_parms.h, swl1_struc.h
doc: bl3map.html, sdp_load_cmd.html
exe: l1agen, bobdays
lib: libswfnav.a
UPDATE #: 002 DATE: 12/16/98 REISSUEDUpdate #002 was reissued 12/16/98 to include the final
SeaWiFS calibration table. If Update #002 was applied before this
date you can either:
1) Redownload and reapply Update #002 OR
2) Download the corrected calibration file available in the update
directory (SEAWIFS_SENSOR_CAL.TBL-199812) and copy to directory
UPDATE #: 002 DATE: 11/25/98
Note: 4 SeaWiFS processing programs were modified in this update.
SeaWiFS calibration table updated for current & future processing
2 new CZCS programs
seadisp: output lat/lons in binary flat file or HDF formats
seadisp: Can now output data and/or navigation after loading,
no need to display firstCZCS:
Updated to include the European method and some minor updates on
the default values for the input parameters.glint:
Implemented new program to generate glint mask
Implemented new program to generate and display the ringing mask
Fixed the CZCS_pigment display problem.
Updated l1agen to replace the 2-digit year output with the 4-digit year
ONLY in the mail output file to be created. The mail file for the SeaWiFS
Project is not to be created by the SeaDAS default.l2gen:
Updated the calibration table for recent and future SeaWiFS processing.
Updated l2gen for K490 output to solve the infinite Chlor_a/K490 value
problem in the spacebin output. The K490 will be assigned to 6.4,
if nLw 443 < 0, and 0.022 if nLw 443 > 0 and nLw 555 < 0, instead of
0 if either nLw 443 < 0 or nLw 555 < 0 in the old version.Fixed a minor problem in 'l2gen' when the function save parameters to a file
is used with only one or two ancillary files are entered in the screen.Moved l2gen documentation for WAIT keyword to correct directory.
Erroneously put in doc/seadisp.l2chk:
Fixed a problem in 'l2chk' that may stop the SeaDAS when select the 'Set up
Product List' after a L2 file loaded.spacebin:
Updated the spacebin program under the SeaDAS l3bin program to take care
of the potential Y2K and the infinite Chlor_a/K490 value problems.
The new version will use 4-digit year instead of 2-digit year for some
input parameters and an if statement is added to replace a 0.0 K490 to
0.22 (the minimum possible value) for the Chlor_a/K490 calculation.bl3map:
Corrected problem in which units were wrong for sample & segment for bl3map.
- Added output binary navigation option:interactive and command modes
- Allow output data & output nav from BAND (don't have to display)
& put in top level function menu
- Redesign output pulldown menu allowing separate output type items- LOAD: Implemented MISSING capability for load L3-binned program,
interactive and command-mode. Added TITLE and PRODUCT_CAT keywords.- MAPPING: Documented interactive & command-mode MISSING capability for
bl1map,bl2map, bl3map, mapimg and load L3-binned programs- COLOR BAR:
- Updated automatic value list generator to not error for LOG case
when data range less than 1.0.
- Corrected side effect of color bar command-mode fix for ANN and VALS
keywords. Interactive annotation was no longer being accepted.
- Fixed problem for interactive color bar if format was blank and values
entered by the user.src: exczcs_win1.pro,bl3map_main.pro,bl3map_screen.pro, load.pro,
sdp_load_seawifs.pro, sdp_mapimg.pro, sdp_read_seawifs.pro,
cw_swfl3.pro (new), get_swfl3b_data.pro (new), get_l3b_titles.pro (new)
l2gen_pfile.pro, l2chk_update_l2list.pro
l2czcs.c, l2czcs_input.c, l2czcs_fsub.f, czcs_l2_write.c, l2czcs_str.h,
l2czcs_main.pro, l2czcs_defval.pro, l2czcs_make_cmd.pro, l2czcs_pfile.pro,
l2czcs_screen.pro, l2czcs_european.f (new), Imakefile.l2czcs
anly8.mice, anly8dbl.rat
l3bin_screen.pro datadays.pro, ssbin.mice, binit.rat
mkmeta.c, cbar.pro, sdp_bar_setup.pro
out.pro,out_data.pro ,sdp_fbuf_widget.pro,sdp_outputx.pro,
sdp_out_makename.pro, sdp_val_band.pro, sdp_val_win_region.pro
sdp_wr_data.pro, sdp_wr_flat_makesize.pro, sdp_wr_flat,
sdp_wr_flat_makename.pro,sdp_wrx_hdf.pro, seadispx.pro,
sdp_val_band_region.pro, sdp_getprod.pro, out_nav.pro(new),
sdp_wr_nav.pro (new)cfg: seadas_help
doc: bl1map.html,bl2map.html,bl3map.html,map_proj_widget.html,
sdp_load_cmd.html, sdp_load_seawifs_l3b.html
l2czcs.html, l2czcs_main.gif, l3bin.html, l3bin_main.gif, l2gen.html,
output_data.html, output_nav.html,output_cmd.htmlexe: l2czcs, l2gen, spacebin, l1agen
Note: No SeaWiFS processing programs were modified in this update.l3bin:
Updated the default flags used in the L3 spacebin program to be consistent
with those used operationally.l2gen:
- Added an error check if an invalid ancillary data file is specified.
- Updated the information for CALMOD_GAIN keyword in l2gen.html
- Fixed the problem which caused l2gen to stop when the parameter
CALMOD_OFF is selected from the GUI.l1agen, l1atol0, l1bgen, l2czcs, l2gen, sol2gen:
Documented the '/WAIT' keyword for the process programs for batch processing.All mapping: bl1map, bl2map, bl3map and mapimg:
Added missing values (for pixels outside the valid map coordinates) to the
GUI and command mode for bl1map, bl2map, bl3map, and the projection function
in the general display function.Tutorial:
- Web-site: Fixed a link problem in the tutorial on-line help.
- Load Section: Fixed a problem with HTML gif linksseadisp:
cbar (command mode):
- Fixed a bug in the color bar command mode program that did not
take arguments 'VALS' and 'ANN'.
- Fixed a bug in rline output function that always use the first band's
navigation information for the output.
l3bin display:
- Fixed the problem that caused the display program to hang when
displaying a L3 BIN chlor_a_K490 product that has infinite values in it.
The program 'spacebin' may need to be modified to fix the infinite values problem.
load l3bin:
- Removed annoying messages (Start and End Node not found)
- Update the documentation for the 'cat_no' parameter.
mband display:
- Increased the band display area to 8 bands.
text widget:
- Fixed bug that caused SeaDAS to stop when saving the contents of the text
widget to a file without user permissions.
- Fixed bug which only allowed up to 1024 bins.
- Fixed a problem with LOADPAL which required the explicit /IDL keyword when
specifying an IDL color pallette name. Now can use simply LOADPAL,'RAINBOW'.
src: cbar.pro, l3bin_screen.pro, sdp_read_seawifs.pro, cbar.pro
chk_anc_files.pro, out_rline.pro, sdp_pntview.pro
bl1map_main.pro, bl1map_screen.pro, bl2map_main.pro, bl2map_screen.pro
bl3map_main.pro, bl3map_screen.pro, getdef_missing.pro (new)
sdp_mapimg.pro, sdp_do_mapimg.pro, mapimg.pro
sds_txt_save_widget.pro, sds_hist_ascii.pro, l2gen_main.pro,
loadpal.pro, get_swf_scene.pro
cfg: seadas_defaults
doc: sdp_load_cmd.html, sds_tut1.html, sdp_tut_load.html
l1aczcs.html, l1agen.html, l1atol0.html, l1bgen.html, l2czcs.html,
l2gen.html, sol2gen.html
Earth Observation Research Center Last Update: 03 June 2002 |
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