UPDATE.log (SeaDAS 4.0) Initial release May 12, 2000
# UPDATE.log (SeaDAS 4.0) Initial release May 12, 2000 ###################################################################### This is the SeaDAS update log for SeaDAS 4.0. All updated files will be found in the update directory. Your SeaDAS version number will reflect the most recent update. Example of installing update #001: 1) % ftp seadas.gsfc.nasa.gov ; ftp into seadas 2) Name: anonymous ; Use name anonymous 3) Passwd: ; Use your e-mail address (it will not print) Example: nick@xxx.gsfc.nasa.gov 4) ftp> cd seadas/update ; go to update directory 5) ftp> get UPDATE.log ; get UPDATE.log file 5) ftp> cd; go to your operating system directory 6) ftp> get update_001.tar.gz ; get desired update file. 7) ftp> quit ; exit ftp Before performing the following steps, put each update tar file in it’s own unique directory. We suggest that you create a directory in $SEADAS call ’update’ and then put each tar file in it’s own sub-directory (ie ’$SEADAS/update/update_001’, ’$SEADAS/update/update_002’ etc). This will make it possible to reinstall updates if necessary. 8) % gunzip update_001.tar.gz ; uncompress update file 9) % tar xvf update_001.tar ; tar xvf update_001.tar 10)% ./update_001.csh ; Execute script to install update #001. NOTE: In order for any IDL updates to take effect, you will need to exit your current SeaDAS session and start a new one. NOTE: Please install updates in order, starting with update #001. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 DATE: 07/11/00 Note: In order to use the new embedded IDL runtime capability, you will need to install file seadas_idl_rt.tar.gz as described in the HOWTO_INSTALL instructions, as well as installing Update #001. Note: In order to run Update #001, you will first need to define the main SEADAS environment variable (ie the directory where you are installing SeaDAS): setenv SEADAS /mydirectory/seadas ./update_001.csh --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 001 - 05/16/00 ancqc: Added back in calls to qc_log and multiview. Had removed these calls since the source code files were not included and only used by the Project in qc process. IDL runtime would not build with unresolved routines. Also added these routines in. src: ancqc.pro, get_qc_path.pro, multi_view.pro, qc_log.pro ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 002 - 05/18/00 doc: Clarified prodname vs prodnum in bl2map and bl3map doc. UPDATE #001 CHANGEd chlor_a = chl_oc2 to chlor_a = chl_oc4 in msl12 doc. lib.dsplib.rt.Imakefile doc: bl2map.html, bl3map.html, msl12.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 003 - 05/30/00 ms12 doc: added missing products, explained fixed models doc: msl12.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 004 - 06/20/00 general: Added optimization for building on SUN systems. Removed the optimization in the case of building the sdsanc library. src: config/sun.cf, src/lib/sdsanc/Imakefile ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 005 - 06/21/00 modis l2_flags: combined modis l2_flags with seawifs and OCTS src: sdp_flag.pro, sdp_load_flag.pro, sdp_verify_modis_l2_flagset.pro, seadispx.pro, set_flags.pro doc: sdp_flags.html cfg: seadas_function.opt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 006 - 06/22/00 read and profile: added Modis flags src: sdp_read_bit_widget.pro doc: read.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 007 - 06/23/00 seadisp: Load MODIS src:(modified): ftype2str.pro, get_sds_prodnm.pro, load.pro, seadispx.pro src: (new): sdp_load_modis.pro, sdp_read_modis.pro, sdp_rd_modis_l1a.pro, sdp_rd_modis_l1b.pro, sdp_rd_modis_l2.pro, sdp_rd_modis_l3.pro, sdp_rd_modis_l4.pro get_modis_geo.pro, get_modis_info.pro, get_modis_l1a_data.pro get_modis_l1b_data.pro, get_modis_l2_data.pro, get_modis_nav.pro get_modis_scene.pro, get_modl3_data.pro, getlonglat.pro modis_file_type.pro, resample_ctl_data_modis.pro, cw_gfile.pro cw_modl3.pro, cw_subgrid_modis.pro src: src/c4idl/IDLmodismapbin (new directory), c4idl.Imakefile cfg: seadas_defaults exe: IDLmodismapbin (new) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 008 - 06/30/00 seadisp: vector function. Fixed bug in loop if lines greater than short integer. src: vector.pro ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 009 - 06/28/00 seadisp: grid function. Fixed bug in overlaying gridlines in the case in which there are multiple minimum matches for a longitude value along the edge points. src: idl_c_grid.pro ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 010 - 06/27/00 msl12: Added sunmath.h to fix problem generating NDVI product on SUNs src: land_refl. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 011 - 07/04/00 general: Modified Imakefiles to create mips-3 executables for Indigo-2’s running IRIX 6.5. Effects IDLchkczcs, IDLpstimg, IDLshare_n32.so and l2czcs. src: c4idl.IDLpstimg.Imakefile, c4idl/IDLshare_n32.Imakefile, lib.cdflib.Imakefile, lib.dsplib.display.Imakefile, lib.dsplib.imageio.Imakefile, lib.dsplib.rt.Imakefile, lib.dsplib.satellite.Imakefile, lib.dsplib.sph.Imakefile, lib.dsplib.vmsfor.Imakefile, lib.dsplib.wrktlk.Imakefile, lib.dsplib.xfb.Imakefile ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 012 - 07/04/00 seadisp: Band widget. Modified format statement for data min/max to allow larger numbers. Specifically needed for MODIS products. src: sdp_band_makestr.pro ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 013 - 07/04/00 l1aczcs: Single-source issue. Would no longer run correctly under UNIX. src: filsiz.f, lib.spklib.Imakefile ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 014 - 07/04/00 general: Removed multiple instances of compile flags from Imakefiles src: c_procs.exczcs.Imakefile, c_procs.extract.Imakefile, c_procs.l1bgen.Imakefile, c_procs.l1bocts.Imakefile, c_procs.l2brsgen.Imakefile, c_procs.msl12.Imakefile lib.swflib.swfanc.Imakefile, lib.swflib.swfbin.Imakefile, lib.swflib.swfcal.Imakefile, lib.swflib.swfmap.Imakefile ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 015 - 07/04/00 spklib: Modified to run single-source (unix & linux) src: f2cio.c ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 016 - 07/04/00 seadisp: Modified seadas_defaults file to be able to handle SD names with embedded blanks src: get_words.pro (new), getdef_filter.pro, getdef_help.pro, getdef_missing.pro, getdef_scale.pro ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 017 - 07/07/00 general: Updated 3 single-source Imakefiles to run on SUNs also. src: Imakefile.l1aczcs, Imakefile.lib.spklib, Imakefile.swflib.swfai ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 018 - 07/08/00 seadisp: MODIS load command mode. Fixed bug in loading Level-4 files. High-level documentation. src: sdp_rd_modis_l4.pro, load.pro doc: sdp_main_menu.html, sdp_load_cmd.html, sds_command.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #001 CHANGE 019 - 07/09/00 general: High-level changes to accomodate full IDL runtime capability src: seadas, sds_setup doc: HOWTO_INSTALL, seadas.html -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earth Observation Research Center Last Update: 03 June 2002 |
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