Announcement: Release of SeaDAS 4.0

SeaDAS 4.0 is available for SGI and SUN platforms startingMay 12, 2000.

SeaDAS 4.0 provides the user with the SeaWiFS processing programs used in the 3rd SeaWiFS processing. SeaDAS 4.0 marks a major departure from SeaDAS 3.3. The underlying SeaWiFS Level-2 processing program (l2gen) has been replaced by the multi-sensor Level-2 processing program (msl12) which allows the user to select a variable number of Level-2 output products from a set of 176 possible products.   The Level-3 processing programs (spacebin and timebin) have been generalized to accomodate Level-2 inputs files containing a variable number of products.  In addition, the spacebin and timebin programs were rewritten in C and FORTRAN.

The 3rd reprocessing has required data format changes in all of the SeaDAS data products (with the exception of the Level-1A data format) and also provides an expanded standard product suite.  The seadisp general display program provides display support for both the old and new SeaWiFS data formats.

Users should either reorder their Level-1A data from the Goddard DAAC, or renavigate their Level-1A files by running the Level-1 to Level-0 conversion program (l1atol0) followed by the Level-0 to Level-1 processing program (l1agen). This is the same process used by the SeaWiFS Project in regenerating the Level-1A files delivered to the DAAC.  Only renavigated GAC and LAC Level-1A data will be available at the Goddard DAAC.  Users will need to renavigate their HRPT data themselves.

As in the past, running the SeaWiFS processing programs in SeaDAS with all defaults set, will result in identical products to those available at the Goddard DAAC.

Attached is the announcement from the SeaWiFS Project detailing the scientific changes made to the SeaWiFS processing programs for the 3rd SeaWiFS reprocessing.

Major Changes from SeaDAS 3.3 (with 5 updates applied):



See the SeaDAS web-site home page or anoymous ftp site for downloading and installation details:
anonymous ftp: in directory seadas

The SeaDAS Development Group
Karen S. Baith, Robert Lindsay & Jodi Humphreys

Earth Observation Research Center Earth Observation Research Center
Last Update: 03 June 2002
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