------------------------------------------------------------------------Announcement: Release of SeaDAS 3.3
SeaDAS 3.3 is available for download starting Friday, April 16, 1999.
------------------------------------------------------------------------SeaDAS 3.3 provides the user with updated OCTS and CZCS processing
capabilities. A coccolithophore blooms mask generation program has been
added for SeaWiFS processing. In addition, support has been added for IRIX
6.5, Solaris 2.7 and IDL 5.2. This release also includes fixes and small
enhancements to the general display program.
Major Changes from SeaDAS 3.2 (with 4 updates applied):
* General SeaDAS enhancements:
o Added support for IRIX 6.5, Solaris 2.7 and IDL 5.2.* Updated OCTS processing:
o New program ’l1bocts’ to create a SeaDAS format OCTS L1B HDF file
from a L0 file
+ Latest OCTS standard system calibration and destriping
+ Improved navigation & band coregistrationo New program ’l2octs’ to create a SeaDAS format OCTS L2 HDF file
from the L1B file created by ’l1bocts’
+ Vicarious calibration to MOBY
+ Multi-scattering aerosol algorithm
+ Enhanced transmittance computation using aerosol models* Updated CZCS processing:
o Ancillary input: MSL pressure for the l2czcs program and windspeed
for the glint program
o New scaling for L2 products (the old scaling products created by
3.2 will not be supported by other CZCS programs ’ring’, ’glint’,
o New program ’chkczcs’ for interactively performing L2 processing
over a box area
o New program ’coccobloom’ for generating coccolithophore blooms
mask* Updated SeaWiFS capabilities:
o New program ’coccobloom’ for generating coccolithophone blooms
mask* General display program:
o Enhancements:
+ Several small changes required for IDL 5.2.
o Fixes:
+ Corrected problems that occurred when running interactively
and deleting bands from memory.See the SeaDAS web-site home page or anoymous ftp site for downloading and
installation details:
anonymous ftp: in directory seadasImportant Notes:
* The CZCS ancillary processing requires a large amount of disk space to
accomodate the ancillary data files. See file seadas_data3.tar.gz.The SeaDAS Development Group
Gary Fu & Karen S. Baith
------------------------------------------------------------------------The SeaDAS Development Group and user community owes special thanks to Jay
O’Reilly, U of Rhode Island for his time and effort in testing and providing
feedback for the CZCS component of SeaDAS 3.3.
Earth Observation Research Center Last Update: 03 June 2002 |
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