# UPDATE.log (SeaDAS 3.3) Initial release April 16, 1999
######################################################################This is the SeaDAS update log for SeaDAS 3.3. All updated files
will be found in the update directory. Your SeaDAS version number will
reflect the most recent update.Example of installing update #001:
1) % ftp seadas.gsfc.nasa.gov ; ftp into seadas
2) Name: anonymous ; Use name anonymous
3) Passwd: ; Use your e-mail address
(it will not print)
Example: nick@xxx.gsfc.nasa.gov
4) ftp> cd seadas/update ; go to update directory
5) ftp> get UPDATE.log ; get UPDATE.log file
5) ftp> cd <your OS version> ; go to your operating system directory
6) ftp> get update_001.tar.gz ; get desired update file.
7) ftp> quit ; exit ftpBefore performing the following steps, put each update tar file in it's
own unique directory. We suggest that you create a directory in
$SEADAS call 'update' and then put each tar file in it's own sub-directory
(ie '$SEADAS/update/update_001', '$SEADAS/update/update_002' etc).
This will make it possible to reinstall updates if necessary.
8) % gunzip update_001.tar.gz ; uncompress update file
9) % tar xvf update_001.tar ; tar xvf update_001.tar
10)% ./update_001.csh ; Execute script to install update #001.NOTE: In order for any IDL updates to take effect, you will need to
exit your current SeaDAS session and start a new one.NOTE: Please install updates in order, starting with update #001.
UPDATE #: 003 DATE: 7/08/99Note: This is primarily an enhancement update for SeaDAS 3.3. This update
can be applied to the PC/Linux version of SeaDAS.SeaWiFS processing:
l3bin: (spacebin) Fixed a memory leak problem in the spacebin program.
l1agen: Updated completely to version 2.5. Minor changes. No reprocessing
required. Fixed an error that generates the wrong scan_temp variable
(off by one instrument telemetry word).
Added the support of JAXA OCTS L3 Binned Map Product.
Added the support of DAAC CZCS L3 PST file format.
Load SeaWiFS L1B. Fixed problem in which 'l2_flags' would not
load if this was the only product selected.arithmetic band functions (band_avg, band_diff, band_sum):
Modified difference, average and general summation functions to allow
multiple ignore values.Corrected problem in which exclusive keyword was not working correctly
for difference function.output ascii:
Fixed bug in selecting region. Pixel/line not being calculated correctly
if modify longitude of opposite corner (interactive mode only).Documented the capability of outputting non-blotch areas (command mode
src: sdp_read_seawifs.pro, sdp_load_octs.pro, sdp_read_octs.pro, load.pro,
seadispx.pro, sddemo.pro, czcs_file_type.pro, sdp_read_hdfczcs.pro,
sdp_load_hdfczcs.pro, band_avg.pro, band_diff.pro,
band_sum.pro, sdp_diffopts.pro, sdp_do_gsum.pro, sdp_gsumopts.pro,
sdp_mbandfunc.pro, sdp_meanopts.pro, sdp_output_asciix.pro
hdf-io.c (under directory $SEADAS/src/c_procs/spacebin directory)
getl0scene_nav.c, getl1rec.c, getorbnum.c, instlm.c, swl0_parms.h
doc: output_ascii.html, sdp_load_cmd.html, sdp_load_octs.html, demolist.html,
sdp_load_cmd.html, sdp_load_daac_hdfczcs.html
band_avg_cmd.html, band_diff_cmd.html, band_sum_cmd.html,
dir: $SEADAS/src/c4idl/IDLpstimg(new)
exe: IDLpstimg, spacebin, l1agen
cfg: seadas_defaults
demo:load2.demo, load3.demo(new), L3_czcs_weekly.pst(new),
octs_jaxa_L3bmap.hdf (new, linked to l3bmoccw)
UPDATE #: 002 DATE: 6/11/99Note: This is primarily an enhancement update for SeaDAS 3.3. This update
can be applied to the PC/Linux version of SeaDAS.
SeaWiFS processing:
Added new calibration table: SEAWIFS_SENSOR_CAL.TBL-199902.
Primarily affects data from Jan 13, 1999 onward. Not necessary to
reprocess any data.
New function to generate a land mask graphics in a display window.
Previously, this capability was only available for map projected data.load:
Implemented JPL PO.DAAC Pathfinder Best SST product. The load AVHRR/SST
option will now display both this product and the MCSST product.grid:
Modified to handle non-monotic latitude gridlines.
src: calc_xy_samp.pro, cw_subgrid.pro, get_sd_scale_attr.pro, sddemo.pro
sdp_load_avhrr_sst_jpl.pro, sdp_read_avhrr_sst_jpl.pro, seadispx.pro
idl_c_grid.pro, sdp_init.pro sdp_fbuf_widget.pro, landmask.pro(new),
sdp_landmask.pro(new), sdp_landmask_setup.pro(new), IDLlandmask.c(new),
b128_box_num.c(new), b128_msk_get.c(new), b128_wd_bit.c(new)
demo:coast_grid.demo, load2.demo, landmask.demo, 1998234h09da-gdm.hdf
doc: demolist.html, sdp_load_avhrr.html, sdp_load_cmd.html, sdp_main_menu.html
exe: IDLlandmask(new)
cfg: seadas_help
doc: sds_command.html, seadisp.html, landmask.html(new), landmask_widget.gif(new)
UPDATE #: 001 DATE: 5/27/99Note: This is primarily a minor bug fix update for SeaDAS 3.3.
No SeaWiFS, OCTS or CZCS processing programs were modified in this update.
This update can be applied to the SeaDAS 3.3 beta Linux version also.
general: idl bug:
Documented an IDL 5.1 and IDL 5.2 map projection bug that can occur
when using the /fill option with some values of p0lon.seadas & seadisp: load SeaWiFS L1A data, load true, register, bl1map, l2chk,
subscene :Replaced L1A read routine with purely IDL code.
all mapping programs: bl1map, bl2map, seadisp general projection program.
Changed defaults longitude and latitude centers to be the center of the
limit area instead of the scene center.register:
Replaced L1A warped image output C routine (IDLswfl1wt) with purely IDL code.modification required for PC/Linux:
seadas: On-line help.
Added support for Linux.seadas & seadisp: Several widgets
Modified several programs to run on smaller screens.seadisp: Several widgets affected.
IDL 5.2. Linux version does not properly handle initializing WIDGET_LIST
objects to null. Ignores YSIZE value in this case. Changed these
occurrences to blanks to run on both UNIX & PC/Linux versions.seadisp:
quitting seadisp:
Resolved intermittent errors which could occur when quitting seadisp.
SGI would give BAD FONT messages and SUN could core dumpseadisp:
Modified 'seadisp' command mode to be backwards compatible with
SeaDAS 3.2. If call seadisp in a loop, will automatically clear
memory and restart band numbers without needing seadisp,/quit or clear_up.demo:
band average demo. Modified band average demo to perform averaging
on geophysical values instead of default raw values.out,/nav:
documented more completelyout: Command mode.
Fixed bug in seadisp output command mode if outputting data to SeaDAS
Mapped format and specifying the window keyword (FBUF=) instead of the
band number keyword (BAND=).grid:
-Corrected problem which occaisionally occurred for global cylindrical
projections. Latitude gridlines could be missing drawn to the left edge.
-Latalign and lonalign keywords were not working in grid command mode.
-Label keyword in documentation is backwards: 1=label on and 0=label offcbar: command mode.
Corrected problem in which VALS= and ANN= keywords were being ignored
for GIF & TIFF output. OK for postscript output.arithmetic band function:
Corrected problem if user specifies bands which do not contain a
directory component (ie loaded from current directory without using
Select button).Corrected problem in which the masks for default display scaling were
being copied even if arithmetic band functions were performed on
geophysical data.Load SeaWiFS Level-3 binned data, chlor_a_K_490 product:
Corrected bug in loading the SeaWiFS L3b chlor_a_K_490 product for the
case in which the product contains invalid values.
src: ancqc.pro, band_kill.pro, bl1map_main.pro, bl1map_screen.pro,
bl2map_main.pro,bl2map_screen.pro, bl3map_screen.pro, clear_up.pro,
cw_map1.pro, find_pid.pro, get_swf_l1_data.pro, get_swfl3b_data.pro
idl_c_grid.pro, l1bgen_screen.pro, l1bocts_screen.pro,l2gen_screen.pro,
l3bin_screen.pro, out.pro, pickfile4.pro,pickfiles.pro,register_warp.pro,
sds_wrx_psimage.pro,sds_xsavect.pro, seadisp.pro,seadispx.pro,
subscene_screen.pro, sdp_do_gsum.prodoc: grid.html, mapproj_defaults.html, output_cmd.html, sds_command.html,
sds_faq.htmldemo: band_avg.demo
Earth Observation Research Center Last Update: 03 June 2002 |
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