Takao Fukuda
Associate Senior Engineer
Earth Observation Center, Japan Space Exploration Agency

Introduction The Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) was launched by H-II rocket from Tanegashima Space Center on August 17, 1996. It initiated the routine operation phase on November 25, 1996 after check-out.
EOC processes not only AVNIR and OCTS data received at EOC but also the data received at ASF and WFF for NASA's ADEOS operation.

2.1 AVNIR Data Processing Status
1) We provided the results of data processing from November 1, 1996 to May 31, 1997 in Table 1.
2) Currently, we are processing data without any problem.
3) Routine distribution began May 7, 1997.

Table 1 AVNIR data processing results
Month Level 1A Level 1B1 Level 1B2 Total
Mu Pa Mu Pa Mu Pa Mu+Pa
1996.11 5 9 5 6 21 18 0 64
12 8 9 20 8 16 4 2 67
1997. 1 29 4 64 34 49 20 0 200
2 24 14 9 12 210 21 0 290
3 6 8 2 1 83 16 0 116
4 27 15 33 10 64 16 1 166
5 7 0 16 18 53 15 0 109
Total 106 59 149 89 496 110 3 1012
(Mu, Multispectral Band; Pa, Panchromatic Band)(Unit:Scene)

2.2 OCTS Data Processing Status
1) The current data processing status (the planned data processing status)
as of June 13, 1997 is as follows :
- RTC 1996/11/1~1997/6/7
- GAC 1996/11/1~1997/4/6
- GAC (Day ) 1996/11/1~1997/4/6
- GAC (Week) 1996/11/1~1997/3/1, 1997/3/30~1997/4/5
- GAC (Month) 1996/11/1~1996/12/31
2) Data processing algorithm revision
We revised the algorithm on April 10, 1997.
3) We plan to start routine distribution in the future.

**(The manuscript was completed before the abandonment of ADEOS satellite operation on June 30, 1997.)**

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