Publications - Cryosphere -GLI related publications (1996-2007, *:Publications in FY2007)Aoki, Te., Ta. Aoki and M. Fukabori, 1996: Effects of the different type of the atmospheres on the surface and planetary albedos of snow. in IRS'96: Current Problem in Atmospheric Radiation, ed. by L. Smith and K. Stamnes, 46-49. Aoki, Te., Ta. Aoki and M. Fukabori, 1997: Approximations for phase function in calculating the spectral albedo of snow surface with multiple scattering. Pap. Met. Geophys., 47, 141-156. Aoki, Te., Ta. Aoki, M. Fukabori, Y. Tachibana, Y. Zaizen, F. Nishio and T. Oishi, 1998: Spectral albedo observation on the snow field at Barrow, Alaska. Polar Meteorol. Glaciol., 12, 1-9. Zaizen, Y., K. Okada, M. Ikegami, Te. Aoki, Y. Sawa, F. Nishio and Y. Tachibana, 1998: Size distribution of aerosols at Barrow in Alaska - A case study in Spring, Polar Meteorol. Glaciol., 12, 40-48. Aoki, Te., Ta. Aoki, M. Fukabori and A. Uchiyama, 1999: Numerical simulation of the atmospheric effect on snow albedo with a multiple scattering radiative transfer model for the atmosphere-snow system. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 77, 595-614. Hori, M., Te. Aoki, Ta Aoki, M. Fukabori and A. Uchiyama, 1999: Perturbations of solar flux in the Antarctic atmosphere-snow system due to volcanic ash aerosol and cloud, Polar Meteorol. Glaciol., 13, 111-122. Aoki, Te., Ta. Aoki, M. Fukabori, A. Hachikubo, Y. Tachibana and F. Nishio, 2000: Effects of snow physical parameters on spectral albedo and bidirectional reflectance of snow surface, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 10219-10236 Aoki, Te., Ta. Aoki, M. Fukabori, and T. Takao, 2000: Comparison in ultraviolet irradiance at Syowa Station, Antarctica between the observation and the simulation with a radiative transfer model, Proc. Quadrennial Ozone Symposium - Sapporo 2000, NASDA, 291-292. Aoki, Te., Ta. Aoki and M. Fukabori, 2000: Effect of the atmospheric aerosols on bidirectional reflectance of snow surface at the visible and near infrared wavelengths, IRS 2000: Current problems in atmospheric radiation, W. L. Smith and Y. M. Timofeyev (Eds), Deepak Publishing, 353-356. Aoki, Te., 2000: Snow and Ice Surfaces, J. Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 20, 86-99. (in Japanese with English abstract) Motoya, K., A. Saito, K. Mabuchi, Te. Aoki, T. Yamazaki, 2001: Application to the airborne multi-spectral scanner (AMSS) observation in 1998 of vegetation and snow indices, based on the spectral reflectance characteristic, J. Japan Soc. Hydrol. & Water Resour. 14, 239-245. (in Japanese with English abstract) Nakayama, M., K. Cho, H. Shimoda, T. Sakata, T. Tanikawa, F. Nishio, 2001: A study of the influence of thin ice thickness in the calculation of sea ice concentration from satellite passive microwave data, J. Japan Soc. Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 40, 39-51. (in Japanese with English abstract) Hori, M., Te. Aoki, K. Stamnes, B. Chen and W. Li, 2001: Preliminary validation of the GLI algorithms for retrieving geophysical parameters in the cryosphere with MODIS data, Polar Meteorol. Glaciol., 15, 1-20. Li, W., K. Stamnes, B. Chen, and X. Xiong, 2001: Snow grain size retrieved from near-infrared radiances at multiple wavelengths, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 1699-1702. Aoki, Te., Ta. Aoki, M. Fukabori, and T. Takao: Characteristics of UV-B irradiance at Syowa Station, Antarctica, 2002: Analyses of the measurements and comparison with numerical simulations, J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan, 80, 161-170. Tanikawa, T., Te. Aoki and F. Nishio, 2002: Remote sensing of snow grain-size and impurities from Airborne Mulitspectral Scanner data using a snow bidirectional reflectance distribution function model, Ann. Glaciol., 34, 74-80. Nakamura, R., M. Watanabe, T. Sano, Y. Yamamoto, Te. Aoki, Radiometric calibration of airborne multi-spectral scanner (AMSS), J. Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 22, 299-305. (in Japanese with English abstract) Tanikawa, T., Te. Aoki, A. Hachikubo, M. Hori, and M. Aniya, 2003: Validation of algorithms to retrieve snow grain size and impurities using Airborne Multispectral Scanner data of eastern Hokkaido, Science Reports, Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba, Section A, 24, 71-86. Motoya K., 2003: Spectral characteristic-based vegetation and snow indices on various surfaces in the Airborne Multi-Spectral Scanner (AMSS) two-altitude observation in 2001, J. Japan Soc. Hydrol. & Water Resour. 16, 408-419. (in Japanese with English abstract) Hori, M., Te. Aoki, H. Ishimoto, T. Tanikawa, K. Naoki, K. Matsuoka, Y. Ogura, A. Hachikubo, R. Storvold, H. Eide, K. Stamnes, B. Chen, and W. Li, 2003: Validation of satellite derived snow physical parameters at Saroma Lagoon, Japan, Tohoku Geophysical J., 36, 410-415. Aoki, Te., A. Hachikubo, and M. Hori, 2003: Effects of snow physical parameters on broadband albedos, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D19), 4616, doi:10.1029/2003JD003506. Hori, M., Te. Aoki, T. Tanikawa, H. Motoyoshi, A. Hachikubo, K. Sugiura, T.J. Yasunari, H. Eide, R. Storvold, Y. Nakajima, F. Takahashi, 2006: In-situ measured spectral directional emissivity of snow and ice in the 8-14 um atmospheric window, Remote Sensing of Environment, 100, 486-502. (spectral data is now available here) *Stamnes K., W. Li, H. Eide, Te. Aoki, M. Hori, and R. Storvolde, 2007: ADEOS-II/GLI Snow/Ice Products – Part I: Scientific Basis, Remote Sensing of Environment, 111, 258-273. *Aoki, Te., M. Hori, H. Motoyohi, T. Tanikawa, A. Hachikubo, K. Sugiura, T. J. Yasunari, R. Storvold, H. A. Eide, K. Stamnes, W. Li, J. Nieke, Y. Nakajima, and F. Takahashi, 2007: ADEOS-II/GLI snow/ice products - Part II: Validation results, Remote Sensing of Environment, , 111, 274-290. *Hori, M., Te. Aoki, K. Stamnes, W. Li, 2007: ADEOS-II/GLI snow/ice products - Part III: Retrieved results, Remote Sensing of Environment, 111, 291-336.