Alternative measures due to G-Portal service restrictions:GEE Engineering Verification page

The following shows how to use GEE Engineering Verification page as an alternative service during a G-Portal service restrictions.

GEE Engineering Verification page

1. Overview
A technology demonstration site through JAXA-Google collaboration.
Programmable via user registration on Google Earth Engine (GEE).
2. Publicly available data
G-Portal standard 250m products are converted and made available in GEE format.
Product Name Product List Format Period
GCOM-C/SGLI Standard(250m) Please click here
(Japanese page).
Google Earth Engine ImageCollection 2018/1〜
3. Data access
Please register as a Google Earth Engine user and access through GEE Script.
Please refer to the tutorial on how to analyze.
Please click here for the terms of use of GCOM-C data in GEE.(Japanese page)
4. How to use data

4-1. Check for availability of observation data

Please refer to the image on the following web page to check if the observation data is available for the target date and area.

●Past observations

Area Product Web page How to check
SGLI Near-realtime Monitor Please specify the target year and month from the menu in the upper left corner and check the images displayed.
GCOM-C/SGLI Standard SGLI Standard Monitor Please select the Japan area from the left menu, then select the target date at the top of the image to see image displayed.
Shikisai Observation Calendar Please select the target date and the target area to see the images displayed.

●Future observations

Area Product Web page How to check
Shikisai Observation Calendar Please select the target date and the target area to see the images displayed.

4-2. How to identify the target file

When analyzing on GEE, it is not necessary to specify the filename because filtering by target date is provided as a function of GEE script. For details, please refer to the page described in "4-4. File display and analysys".

4-3. How to download files

Please click here for data download procedures.

4-4. File display and analysys

Please refer to the following pages.

Contents remarks
How to calculate physical quantity conversions by Slope and Offset in GEE Japanese page
How to calculate conversions for physics with QA_flag in GEE Japanese page
How to display GEE map with multiple band data Japanese page